1.Excess amount of pure carbon is reacted with H20(g) at 1,OOO”C. C(4 + H20k) = CO&) + HZ&) The gas phase does not contain any other species and is maintained at latm of the total pressure. Calculate the equilibrium partial pressure of H20(g). The following data are given : C(s)+t02(g)= CO(g) H2(g)+ +02(g)= H20(g) AG; = -1 12,880-86.S1T,Jmol-‘ AG; = -247,390+ 55.85T,Jmol-‘

2. A system consisting of ZnO(s), C(s), CO&), Zn(g), CO2&) and 0, is at equilibrium at 1200K and latm. Using the free energy minimisation method, calculate the equilibrium partial pressures for gaseous species in the system. The following data are given : Zn(g*O,(g)=ZnO(s) AGO = -460,240+ 198.32T,Jmol-‘ C(s)+O,(g)=CO(g) C(s)+02(g)=C02(g) AGO = -1 12,880 – 86.51T,Jmol-‘ AGO = -394,760 – 0.836T,Jmol-‘

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