In an effort to discover ways to boost morale, an investigator wants to assess the effects chocolate has on attitude. The researcher recruits a group of participants and has them complete the Acme Attitude Survey (AAS), which renders a score ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = very bad attitude, 100 = very good attitude). After gathering the (pre)tests, the researcher serves each participant a generous slice of chocolate fudge cake. One hour later, the researcher administers the AAS a second time.

Data set: Ch 07 – Exercise 09A.sav Codebook Variable: ID Definition: Participant ID Type: Alphanumeric Variable: pretest Definition: Baseline attitude (AAS score) Type: Continuous (0–100) Variable: posttest Definition: Attitude an hour after eating cake (AAS score) Type: Continuous (0–100)

1. Write the hypotheses.

2. Run the criteria of the pretest checklist (normality for posttest − pretest) and discuss your findings.

3. Run the paired t test and document your findings (means and significance [p value], hypothesis resolution).

4. Write an abstract up to 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the paired t test results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your finding

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