Qualification : FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
Unit Code: FNSACC416
Unit Title: Set up and operate a computerised accounting system
Term and Year: Term 3 2020
Due Date:  

(strikeout whichever is not applicable)

Initial Re-assessment
Assessment: Task 1 Questions –   Knowledge Evidence
Task 2 Case Study & Practical Assessment by using Accounting Software (Xero)
Task 3 Case Study & Role Play
Student Name:  
Student ID No:  
Student Declaration:

I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Elite Education Vocation Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.


Student Signature:

(only required if handing in a hard copy)


Cover Sheet



Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully:

·         All instructions provided must be adhered to constitute a complete assessment.

·         Students must complete this assessment in their own time.

·         All documents must be created using Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.).  Submit your final draft as a PDF file. Before uploading into Moodle, make sure your file is named according to Elite protocols.

·         Please retain the headers and footers and version control of this document.

·         Remember to complete your name, student ID, due date, declaration date and whether this is your initial submission or re-assessment. If these details are missing or in-complete you will need to resubmit your assessment.

·         If you anticipate submitting your assessment later than the due date, please refer to the Elite Student Handbook and the Intervention Policy contained within, and complete the “Academic Intervention” form, prior to the due date, to request an extension. A hard copy of this form is also available from Reception or your trainer.

·         Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved, if required. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks after you submit your assessment.

·         If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.

Assessment deadlines penalty
It is expected that unless an extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates must submit all assessments for a unit of competency on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.

If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy.

No assessment will be accepted xx days after the due date (or extended due date).  A ‘Not Competent’ result will be submitted.

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each submitted assessment task is initially recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).

If you are assessed as NYS, you will be eligible for re-assessment. You will be given feedback on the reason for the result.  If required, you will also be provided further information regarding the gaps in knowledge.  Should you fail to submit the re-assessment or again not complete the task satisfactorily, a result outcome of Not Satisfactory (NS) will be recorded.

You will only achieve competence in the unit when all assessment tasks have a Satisfactory (S) outcome.

Your trainer will give you feedback after the marking of each submitted assessment.

Assessment Overview
In this assessment you are required to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge required to

·         set up the chart of accounts for one organisation by modifying an established integrated financial software system

·         implement an integrated computerised accounting system, ensuring integrity of the data

·         process transactions in the integrated system, including:


Ø  credit card payments

Ø  direct debit

Ø  invoices

Ø  petty cash

·         generate reports in the integrated system over at least two reporting periods, including:

Ø  goods and services tax (GST) accrual report

Ø  payroll report

Ø  bank reconciliation report

Ø  profit and loss statement

Ø  balance sheet

·         maintain computerised accounting system information securely

Resources required for this Assessment
·         Case study – Johnston Warehouse  (Please see Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.docx)

·         Australian Accounting Standards (please refer to the information at below websites)


·         Technology resources such as a computer, internet access with sufficient data to conduct searches and work with Elite delivery software (e.g., integrated financial software system and data), printer, and any other relevant equipment/software needed to complete the assessment tasks

·         Xero Accounting Software



Task 1 – Knowledge Evidence
1.        Complete the table below by outlining two (2) key features desktop and cloud-based computerised accounting systems for the following types of computerised accounting systems listed in the table below.


Accounting software Key features
MYOB desktop version  
MYOB cloud-based version  
2.        Outline two (2) key features of the organisational policies and procedures listed below which must be followed when setting up a computerised accounting system.
Policies and procedures Key features
3.        Two (2) areas of organisational policies and procedures relevant to operating computerised accounting systems are listed for you in the table below. In your own words, identify and briefly describe two (2) key features of each.
Policies and Procedures Key features
4.        When using a computerised accounting system what are five (5) key requirements under the financial service industry legislation which must be followed, regarding privacy of personal information and data used, specific to the Privacy Act 1988.

For each listed principle, explain how they are applied when using a computerised system.

Key requirements Discussion
5.        Below is a sample tax invoice.

Tax invoice sample sourced from www.ato.gov.au

Identify the details of the tax invoice as they are numbered in the sample above. In your own words, explain each.

Label number Details of the tax invoice Discussion
6.        List the four (4) details that must be included in any receipt or proof of purchase provided to customers.

In your own words, explain why these details are essential in accounting.

          i.            Four (4) details that must be included in any receipt or proof of purchase provided to customers.


         ii.            Why the details above are essential in accounting?




Task 2  –  Practical Assessment by using Accounting Software (Xero)

Assessment description

This assessment asks you to input data into a computerised accounting package – Xero, and produce documents and reports. There are 13 tasks and it is important that you attempt all tasks.

It is important that you print all reports (you can generate PDF format report from Xero software) and documents specified in the tasks so your work can be assessed. A checklist has been provided at the end of the assessment to help you check that all documents and reports have been printed.

Case Study Information (Please refer to Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment)

Johnston Warehouse is an existing business that supplies cards, gift wrap and decorations to shops across the region. The owner is Tony Johnston who operates as a sole trader.

The business has previously kept manual books but from 1 July 2020, the accounts are to be computerized using Xero software.


You are employed as an accounts assistant.


You can assume that all documentation has been checked for accuracy and authorised by Tony Johnston.


Cash and credit sales are analysed in four ways:

•            Greetings cards

•            Gift wrap

•            Decorations

•            Online sales


All stock is stored in a rented unit, where goods are despatched from. Nathan likes to analyse his purchases as follows:

•            purchases – gift cards

•            purchases – decorations/gift wrap

Some nominal ledger accounts have already been allocated account codes. You may need to amend account names or create other account codes.


The business is registered for Good and Service Tax (GST). The rate of GST charged on all goods and services sold by Johnston Warehouse is 10%.


All expenditure should be analysed as you feel appropriate. Before you start you should:

•            Set the financial year to start on 1 July of the current year.

•            Set the software date as 31 July of the current year.

•            Set up the company details by entering the name Johnston Warehouse and the address: 770 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000. In a training environment you should add your name after the business name to identify your printouts.

•            The ABN number is 87 542 247 812 and 10% GST is charged on all sales.






1.       Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document “Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment”.

        2.       Implement general ledger, chart of accounts, and subsidiary accounts according to organisational requirements, policies and procedures   –  See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

3.       Set up customers, suppliers and inventory items in system to meet organisational requirements and reporting requirements of goods and services tax (GST)  – See Task 2 & Task 3 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

4.       Identify sources of technical help and use them to solve operational problems – See Task 4 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

5.       Collate, code, and classify input data before processing – See Task 5 to Task 11 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

6.       Process wide range of cash and credit transactions according to organisational policies and procedures – See Task 5 to Task 11 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        7.       Use general journal to make balance day adjustments for prepayments and accruals – See Task 13 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        8.       Add new general ledger accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records as required – See Task 1 & 12 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        9.       Maintain and update existing chart of accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records and subsidiary accounts – See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      10.      Customise chart of accounts to meet reporting requirements of organisation – See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      11.      Generate reports to indicate financial performance and financial position of organisation and for goods and services tax (GST) purposes – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      12.      Generate reports that confirm that subsidiary ledgers and accounts reconcile with general ledger – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      13.      Generate reports that confirm that system’s bank account entries reconcile with bank statements – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      14.      Maintain secure record of processed transactions for audit purposes – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment




        1.       Complete all tasks in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.

        2.       You will need to submit the documents in accordance with the Documentation of Evidence (Page 17) in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.





Task 3 – Case Study (Role Play)

Assessment description

After you have completed all bookkeeping and reporting for July 2020, your boss, Tone Johnston (role played by your assessor) wants to meet you to discuss

·         How to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors

·         How to perform end of financial year rollover (you will need to demonstrate it in Xero software when meet Tony)

·         How to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements




Role Play – You will need to meet with Tony Johnston (your assessor) to discuss

·         How to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors

·         How to perform end of financial year rollover (you will need to demonstrate it in Xero software when meet Tony)

·         How to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements






Role Play Checklist


Did the student: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Use information in the case scenario and own research to determine and report on resources required as per tasks identified?      
Demonstrate how to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors      
Demonstrate how to perform end of financial year rollover in Xero software      
Demonstrate how to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements      
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

·       Speaking clearly and concisely

·       Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

·       Asking questions to identify required information

·       Responding to questions as required

·       Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Following the meeting, confirm shared understanding of feedback on discussion?      
Task Outcome: Satisfactory   ¨ Not Satisfactory   ¨
Assessor signature  
Assessor name  






Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor

Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please þ ): Yes No
1.        complete Task 1?    
2.        complete Task 2?
3.        complete Task 3?
4.        Submit all Documentation of Evidence in accordance with Appendix 1
5.        Submit within agreed timeframe?
Assessment Task 1
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
Key features of desktop and cloud-based computerised accounting systems      
Key features of organisational policies and procedures relating to setting up and operating a computerised accounting system
Key requirements of financial services industry legislation relating to information privacy when using computerised accounting systems
Key features and characteristics of information included in source documents of financial data
Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Task 2
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
1.1 Implement general ledger, chart of accounts, and subsidiary accounts according to organisational requirements, policies and procedures      
1.2 Set up customers, suppliers and inventory items in system to meet organisational requirements and reporting requirements of goods and services tax (GST)
1.3 Identify sources of technical help and use them to solve operational problems
2.1 Collate, code, and classify input data before processing      
2.2 Process wide range of cash and credit transactions according to organisational policies and procedures      
2.3 Use general journal to make balance day adjustments for prepayments and accruals      
3.1 Add new general ledger accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records as required      
3.2 Maintain and update existing chart of accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records and subsidiary accounts      
3.3 Customise chart of accounts to meet reporting requirements of organisation      
4.1 Generate reports to indicate financial performance and financial position of organisation and for goods and services tax (GST) purposes      
4.2 Generate reports that confirm that subsidiary ledgers and accounts reconcile with general ledger      
4.3 Generate reports that confirm that system’s bank account entries reconcile with bank statements      
4.5 Maintain secure record of processed transactions for audit purposes      
Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Task 3
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
2.4 Regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors      
2.5 Perform end of financial year rollover
4.4 Establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements
Feedback and result outcome for Task 3 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Summary Result (please þ )
Final Assessment Result for this unit C   NC  
Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task on Moodle YES   NO  
Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit on Moodle YES   NO  
Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required by the Principles of Assessments.).
Assessor Name   Date  
Assessor Signature  
The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me YES   NO  
I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook YES   NO  
Student Signature   Date  
Qualification : FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
Unit Code: FNSACC416
Unit Title: Set up and operate a computerised accounting system
Term and Year: Term 3 2020
Due Date:  

(strikeout whichever is not applicable)

Initial Re-assessment
Assessment: Task 1 Questions –   Knowledge Evidence
Task 2 Case Study & Practical Assessment by using Accounting Software (Xero)
Task 3 Case Study & Role Play
Student Name:  
Student ID No:  
Student Declaration:

I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Elite Education Vocation Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.


Student Signature:

(only required if handing in a hard copy)


Cover Sheet



Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully:

·         All instructions provided must be adhered to constitute a complete assessment.

·         Students must complete this assessment in their own time.

·         All documents must be created using Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.).  Submit your final draft as a PDF file. Before uploading into Moodle, make sure your file is named according to Elite protocols.

·         Please retain the headers and footers and version control of this document.

·         Remember to complete your name, student ID, due date, declaration date and whether this is your initial submission or re-assessment. If these details are missing or in-complete you will need to resubmit your assessment.

·         If you anticipate submitting your assessment later than the due date, please refer to the Elite Student Handbook and the Intervention Policy contained within, and complete the “Academic Intervention” form, prior to the due date, to request an extension. A hard copy of this form is also available from Reception or your trainer.

·         Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved, if required. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks after you submit your assessment.

·         If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.

Assessment deadlines penalty
It is expected that unless an extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates must submit all assessments for a unit of competency on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.

If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy.

No assessment will be accepted xx days after the due date (or extended due date).  A ‘Not Competent’ result will be submitted.

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each submitted assessment task is initially recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS).

If you are assessed as NYS, you will be eligible for re-assessment. You will be given feedback on the reason for the result.  If required, you will also be provided further information regarding the gaps in knowledge.  Should you fail to submit the re-assessment or again not complete the task satisfactorily, a result outcome of Not Satisfactory (NS) will be recorded.

You will only achieve competence in the unit when all assessment tasks have a Satisfactory (S) outcome.

Your trainer will give you feedback after the marking of each submitted assessment.

Assessment Overview
In this assessment you are required to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge required to

·         set up the chart of accounts for one organisation by modifying an established integrated financial software system

·         implement an integrated computerised accounting system, ensuring integrity of the data

·         process transactions in the integrated system, including:


Ø  credit card payments

Ø  direct debit

Ø  invoices

Ø  petty cash

·         generate reports in the integrated system over at least two reporting periods, including:

Ø  goods and services tax (GST) accrual report

Ø  payroll report

Ø  bank reconciliation report

Ø  profit and loss statement

Ø  balance sheet

·         maintain computerised accounting system information securely

Resources required for this Assessment
·         Case study – Johnston Warehouse  (Please see Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.docx)

·         Australian Accounting Standards (please refer to the information at below websites)


·         Technology resources such as a computer, internet access with sufficient data to conduct searches and work with Elite delivery software (e.g., integrated financial software system and data), printer, and any other relevant equipment/software needed to complete the assessment tasks

·         Xero Accounting Software



Task 1 – Knowledge Evidence
1.        Complete the table below by outlining two (2) key features desktop and cloud-based computerised accounting systems for the following types of computerised accounting systems listed in the table below.


Accounting software Key features
MYOB desktop version  
MYOB cloud-based version  
2.        Outline two (2) key features of the organisational policies and procedures listed below which must be followed when setting up a computerised accounting system.
Policies and procedures Key features
3.        Two (2) areas of organisational policies and procedures relevant to operating computerised accounting systems are listed for you in the table below. In your own words, identify and briefly describe two (2) key features of each.
Policies and Procedures Key features
4.        When using a computerised accounting system what are five (5) key requirements under the financial service industry legislation which must be followed, regarding privacy of personal information and data used, specific to the Privacy Act 1988.

For each listed principle, explain how they are applied when using a computerised system.

Key requirements Discussion
5.        Below is a sample tax invoice.

Tax invoice sample sourced from www.ato.gov.au

Identify the details of the tax invoice as they are numbered in the sample above. In your own words, explain each.

Label number Details of the tax invoice Discussion
6.        List the four (4) details that must be included in any receipt or proof of purchase provided to customers.

In your own words, explain why these details are essential in accounting.

          i.            Four (4) details that must be included in any receipt or proof of purchase provided to customers.


         ii.            Why the details above are essential in accounting?




Task 2  –  Practical Assessment by using Accounting Software (Xero)

Assessment description

This assessment asks you to input data into a computerised accounting package – Xero, and produce documents and reports. There are 13 tasks and it is important that you attempt all tasks.

It is important that you print all reports (you can generate PDF format report from Xero software) and documents specified in the tasks so your work can be assessed. A checklist has been provided at the end of the assessment to help you check that all documents and reports have been printed.

Case Study Information (Please refer to Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment)

Johnston Warehouse is an existing business that supplies cards, gift wrap and decorations to shops across the region. The owner is Tony Johnston who operates as a sole trader.

The business has previously kept manual books but from 1 July 2020, the accounts are to be computerized using Xero software.


You are employed as an accounts assistant.


You can assume that all documentation has been checked for accuracy and authorised by Tony Johnston.


Cash and credit sales are analysed in four ways:

•            Greetings cards

•            Gift wrap

•            Decorations

•            Online sales


All stock is stored in a rented unit, where goods are despatched from. Nathan likes to analyse his purchases as follows:

•            purchases – gift cards

•            purchases – decorations/gift wrap

Some nominal ledger accounts have already been allocated account codes. You may need to amend account names or create other account codes.


The business is registered for Good and Service Tax (GST). The rate of GST charged on all goods and services sold by Johnston Warehouse is 10%.


All expenditure should be analysed as you feel appropriate. Before you start you should:

•            Set the financial year to start on 1 July of the current year.

•            Set the software date as 31 July of the current year.

•            Set up the company details by entering the name Johnston Warehouse and the address: 770 George St, Sydney, NSW 2000. In a training environment you should add your name after the business name to identify your printouts.

•            The ABN number is 87 542 247 812 and 10% GST is charged on all sales.






1.       Review the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document “Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment”.

        2.       Implement general ledger, chart of accounts, and subsidiary accounts according to organisational requirements, policies and procedures   –  See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

3.       Set up customers, suppliers and inventory items in system to meet organisational requirements and reporting requirements of goods and services tax (GST)  – See Task 2 & Task 3 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

4.       Identify sources of technical help and use them to solve operational problems – See Task 4 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

5.       Collate, code, and classify input data before processing – See Task 5 to Task 11 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

6.       Process wide range of cash and credit transactions according to organisational policies and procedures – See Task 5 to Task 11 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        7.       Use general journal to make balance day adjustments for prepayments and accruals – See Task 13 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        8.       Add new general ledger accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records as required – See Task 1 & 12 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

        9.       Maintain and update existing chart of accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records and subsidiary accounts – See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      10.      Customise chart of accounts to meet reporting requirements of organisation – See Task 1 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      11.      Generate reports to indicate financial performance and financial position of organisation and for goods and services tax (GST) purposes – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      12.      Generate reports that confirm that subsidiary ledgers and accounts reconcile with general ledger – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      13.      Generate reports that confirm that system’s bank account entries reconcile with bank statements – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment

      14.      Maintain secure record of processed transactions for audit purposes – See Task 15 in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment




        1.       Complete all tasks in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.

        2.       You will need to submit the documents in accordance with the Documentation of Evidence (Page 17) in Appendix 1 – Case Study for Xero Practice Assessment.





Task 3 – Case Study (Role Play)

Assessment description

After you have completed all bookkeeping and reporting for July 2020, your boss, Tone Johnston (role played by your assessor) wants to meet you to discuss

·         How to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors

·         How to perform end of financial year rollover (you will need to demonstrate it in Xero software when meet Tony)

·         How to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements




Role Play – You will need to meet with Tony Johnston (your assessor) to discuss

·         How to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors

·         How to perform end of financial year rollover (you will need to demonstrate it in Xero software when meet Tony)

·         How to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements






Role Play Checklist


Did the student: Completed successfully Comments
Yes No
Use information in the case scenario and own research to determine and report on resources required as per tasks identified?      
Demonstrate how to regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors      
Demonstrate how to perform end of financial year rollover in Xero software      
Demonstrate how to establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements      
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

·       Speaking clearly and concisely

·       Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

·       Asking questions to identify required information

·       Responding to questions as required

·       Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Following the meeting, confirm shared understanding of feedback on discussion?      
Task Outcome: Satisfactory   ¨ Not Satisfactory   ¨
Assessor signature  
Assessor name  






Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor

Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please þ ): Yes No
1.        complete Task 1?    
2.        complete Task 2?
3.        complete Task 3?
4.        Submit all Documentation of Evidence in accordance with Appendix 1
5.        Submit within agreed timeframe?
Assessment Task 1
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
Key features of desktop and cloud-based computerised accounting systems      
Key features of organisational policies and procedures relating to setting up and operating a computerised accounting system
Key requirements of financial services industry legislation relating to information privacy when using computerised accounting systems
Key features and characteristics of information included in source documents of financial data
Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Task 2
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
1.1 Implement general ledger, chart of accounts, and subsidiary accounts according to organisational requirements, policies and procedures      
1.2 Set up customers, suppliers and inventory items in system to meet organisational requirements and reporting requirements of goods and services tax (GST)
1.3 Identify sources of technical help and use them to solve operational problems
2.1 Collate, code, and classify input data before processing      
2.2 Process wide range of cash and credit transactions according to organisational policies and procedures      
2.3 Use general journal to make balance day adjustments for prepayments and accruals      
3.1 Add new general ledger accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records as required      
3.2 Maintain and update existing chart of accounts, and customer, supplier, inventory and fixed asset records and subsidiary accounts      
3.3 Customise chart of accounts to meet reporting requirements of organisation      
4.1 Generate reports to indicate financial performance and financial position of organisation and for goods and services tax (GST) purposes      
4.2 Generate reports that confirm that subsidiary ledgers and accounts reconcile with general ledger      
4.3 Generate reports that confirm that system’s bank account entries reconcile with bank statements      
4.5 Maintain secure record of processed transactions for audit purposes      
Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Task 3
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): Yes No Assessor’s Notes (if any)
2.4 Regularly review system output to verify accuracy of data input, and make adjustments for detected processing errors      
2.5 Perform end of financial year rollover
4.4 Establish systems and practices to ensure information is stored securely and according to legislative and organisational requirements
Feedback and result outcome for Task 3 (please þ )
Not Yet Satisfactory

Re-assessment required

Not Satisfactory  
Assessment Summary Result (please þ )
Final Assessment Result for this unit C   NC  
Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task on Moodle YES   NO  
Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit on Moodle YES   NO  
Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required by the Principles of Assessments.).
Assessor Name   Date  
Assessor Signature  
The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me YES   NO  
I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook YES   NO  
Student Signature   Date  


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