A reflection is a first person perspective of what knowledge you gained from the experience. These reflections can be from clinical, video case studies, lab, and any other experiences. A reflection is a part of critical thinking, where you consider your assumptions, biases, communication (verbal and non-verbal), interventions, and evaluations, good and bad. Then in summary identify what or how you can improve yourself for the next interaction during future experiences that are the same or similar circumstances. Any experience provides an opportunity to improve ourselves, even if the experience was positive.

You should answer:

What did I know about this topic though pasted experiences?

What did I learn about this topic during this experience?

What will I change about myself or my nursing practice after this learning experience?

Write a substantive reflection on what knowledge you knew, obtained through completing this assignment, and how it will change your nursing practice. Be sure to use in-text citations with full references where needed to support your statements

250-500 words

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