Required Uniform Assignment: Topic Search Strategy

PURPOSE: The Topic Search Strategy Paper is the first of three related assignments which is due in Unit 3. The purpose of this initial paper is to briefly describe your search strategies when identifying two research articles that pertain to an evidence-based practice topic of interest which is “HCAHPS: The Consumer Experience.”

The paper will include the following:

a. Clinical Question

a. Describe problem

b. Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics

c. Your PICOT question in support of the group topic

d. Purpose of your paper

b. Levels of Evidence

a. Type of question asked (look at the articles and find the research questions the author was trying to answer.)

b. Best evidence found to answer question

c. Search Strategy

a. Search terms

b. Databases used (you may use Google Scholar in addition to the library databases; start with the Library)

c. Refinement decisions made

d. Identification of two most relevant articles

d. Format

a. Correct grammar and spelling

b. Use of headings for each section (include an introduction and a conclusion)

c. Use of APA format (sixth edition) including in text citations

d. Page length: full three to four pages (not less, not more; excluding title and reference pages)

Grading Rubric for Each Section (please ensure the under listed is followed in the paper)

Clinical Question

ALL elements present

1. Problem is presented clearly.

2. Significance of problem is described completely.

3. PICOT question is presented.

4. Purpose of paper is stated.

Levels of Evidence

1. Accurately identifies type of question being asked.

2. Accurately identifies best type of evidence available to answer question being asked.

Search Strategy

ALL elements present

1. Search topic(s) and terms provided.

2. Includes database(s) used for search and links to PICOT question.

3. Explains process of refining search to locate evidence.

4. Identifies and defends the choice of the two most relevant articles to provide guidance for your next paper and the group’s work.


1. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

2. Headings are free of errors and include all of the following.

a. Introduction

b. Clinical Question

c. Level of Evidence

d. Search Strategy

e. Conclusion

3. APA format is used without errors.

4. Total length: Three to four pages, excluding references and title page.

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