Question 1.

What is defined as being functionally dependent on a long-term basis due to physical or mental limitations or both?

Palliative care

Long-term care



Question 2.

Reimbursement is a critical issue for the majority of assisted living facilities that receive it in the form of __________.

Medicaid reimbursement

private payment

nonprofit payments

Medicare payments

Question 3.

Critical issues facing the U.S. healthcare system regarding long-term care services include all the following except:

public interest in improving healthcare access.

lack of access to government programs.

public resources for long-term care.

affordable insurance for palliative care.

Question 4.

Continuing care retirement communities are an approach to financing long-term care for __________.



Social Security

private insurance policies

Question 5.

How do you see long-term care changing the healthcare system in the 21st century? What ethical issues do you see playing a role in this situation?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 6.

How can family members provide long-term care as a caregiver?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length. 

Question 7.

Why do long-term health care and palliative care private insurance lack popularity among elderly individuals in the United States?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 8. Need To Be One Paragraph.

Do you think hospital ethics committees are necessary? Why, or why not?

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