The goal of these next three weeks is to work with the primary sources that you have chosen. This is an important step for two reasons:
1.You will be trying your hand at the act of historical interpretation (really trying to make sense of the primary sources you have chosen);
2.You will be learning more about happiness by linking your sources to the chronological period about which you have been studying…

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Unit:Techniques Used in Database Administration The case study retail store is concerned about the possibilities of losing data because of database system malfunctions or downtime. Security is also a major concern to the company because it is common knowledge that engaging in online business can be riskybecause of known vulnerabilities on the Internet. The company also realizes that its in-store database system is the top priority at this time. What solutions can you propose to effectively manage database transactions, maintain security, and recover the data that arelost from system failure or downtime? Examples are provided to help with this assignment (PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILE/Understanding DatabaseTransactions. The assumptions are as follows: A high volume of the orders often occurs during the daytime. One person will serve the role of database administrator. The database administrator account will serve as database owner. The transaction log must be backed up. Point-in-time recovery is required. There is an always-on availability group. The ability to purchase products online will be addressed in a future database project. The project deliverables are as follows: What solutions can you propose to effectively manage database transactions, maintain security, and recover the data that arelost from system failure or downtime? What is your rationale for the transaction management plan, database security procedure, backup plan, and recovery model that you proposed for the case study organization? Database Administration Plan (4–5 pages) · Create a database administration plan that is specific to the needs of your retail store. · Include a transaction management plan that includes a flowchart for how each transaction will be handled (including rollback and commit cases). · Include a database security procedure that includes provisions for access control, user authentication, and availability. · Include a backup plan and a recovery model · Provide your analysis as to how this part of the project fulfills the mission and 1 ormoregoals of the case study organization.

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