Need assistance with a 3-4 page paper on Kodak meeting the below requirements. Please use APA style with intext citations and sources.
Situation: Assume that you have been hired by Kodak as a business consultant to recommend a new corporate-level strategy for the company to improve declining sales, increase profitability, and expand the company to the Cloud service industry.
1. Five Key Objectives for Eastman Kodak: Identify five (5) key objectives for Eastman Kodak that encompasses the operational, financial, human resource aspects of the business.
Operational: Establish how the objective(s) encompasses the operational aspects of the business. A thorough response would clearly identify the operational functions and how the objective(s) cover(s) the operational aspects. State an argument that the established objective is essential to the success of the company within the Cloud service industry. A thorough response would align the argument of the objective(s) to the success of the company in the Cloud service industry specifically.
Financial: Establish how the objective(s) encompasses the financial aspects of the business. A thorough response would clearly identify how the objective(s) cover(s) the financial aspects. State an argument that the established objective is essential to the success of the company within the Cloud service industry. A thorough response would align the argument of the objective(s) to the success of the company in the Cloud service industry specifically.
Human Resource: Establish how the objective(s) encompasses the human resource aspects of the business. A thorough response would clearly identify how the objective(s) cover(s) the human resource aspects. State an argument that the established objective is essential to the success of the company within the Cloud service industry. A thorough response would align the argument of the objective(s) to the success of the company in the Cloud service industry specifically.

2. Five Ways Diversification Increase Profitability: Discuss multibusiness model based on diversification.
First Way: Determine one (1) way in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at one (1) example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale. Provide another example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale.
Second Way: Determine another way in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at one (1) example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale. Provide another example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale.
Third Way: Determine another way in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at one (1) example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale. Provide another example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale.
Fourth Way: Determine another way in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at one (1) example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale. Provide another example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale.
Fifth Way: Determine another way in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at one (1) example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale. Provide another example of such use of a multibusiness model from an industry to support the rationale.
3. Recommendation of Implementation Strategy: Recommend one (1) implementation strategy for Eastman Kodak that considers organizational design, strategic control systems, structure, and the type of organizational culture fitting for the organization and its new industry. Justify the recommendation.
Organizational Design: Discuss how the implementation strategy considers organizational design fitting for the organization and its new industry.
Strategic Control Systems: Discuss how the implementation strategy considers strategic control systems fitting for the organization and its new industry.
Structure: Discuss how the implementation strategy considers structure fitting for the organization and its new industry.
Organizational Culture: Discuss how the implementation strategy considers organizational culture fitting for the organization and its new industry.

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