ogramme title BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computing Unit number and title 15 Transport Network Design (L5) Assignment number & title 1 of 1 Transport Network Design (L5) Unit Leader – Assessor (s) M Hasan Issue Date 24/09/2020 Final assignment submission deadline 04 – 09 January 2021 Late submission deadline 11 – 16 January 2021 The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the College for submissions of assignments in accordance with the BTEC level 4 – 7 submission guidelines and College policy on submissions. Resubmission deadline TBA Feedback Formative feedback will be available in class during the semester. Final feedback will be available within 2 – 3 weeks of the assignment submission date. General Guidelines • The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source. • Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information. • Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English. • Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”. Internal verifier Reza Joadat Signature (IV of the brief) * Joadat Date 23/09/2020 Department of Information Technology Page 2 of 6 ICON College of Technology and Management BTEC HND in Computing Unit 15: Transport Network Design (L5) Session: September 2020 Coursework Recommended maximum words 3,000 You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document” before answering your assignment. ASSIGNMENT Aim & Objective This coursework is designed to demonstrate the broad understanding and knowledge of the module, assessing and evaluating the student’s strength and level of analysis; divided into four learning outcomes. The coursework should be submitted as one document in a report format in final submission. Assignment Scenario: You are working as a network engineer in an IT company, you have been assigned to design, implement a network infrastructure for a client company qcheck.co.uk. The company consist of 3 department Finance, Sales and engineers users. Each and every department must not be able to access any other department. The network consist of 2 Servers, for which web, email combined in one server and dns server, all servers are shared between all users. The distribution of workstation shown in table 1, describe the requirement of each department. While discussion the requirement, the IT director hinted that there will be a need to implement a wireless network, to allow staff to use their own device such as smartphone to access the internet, using IoT devices to be utilised to monitor server rooms etc..

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