Choose a “cool” technology that is relevant to your engineering degree.
Buying a Tesla
Upgrading from a gas furnace to a heat pump
Installing an assembly robot
Wind farm vs gas power plant

(My major is Biomedical engineering, so I need a topic that is relevant to the medical field.)
Create a PowerPoint presentation with the benefits and costs. Make the presentation visually appealing (i.e. use pictures, graphs, color, etc).
Outline of the presentation:
1) Name and engineering degree
2) Summary of upgrade
3) Identification of key factors in benefit/cost analysis
4) State key assumptions based on some research (these will be estimates)
5) Perform benefit/cost analysis
6) Final recommendation on performing the upgrade
7) The last slide should be your sources
Grade will be based on student’s use of analysis, critical thinking, use of technology, communication methods, and engineering economics content.
Critical Thinking
Accurate identification of the topic to be analyzed, consideration of pertinent information before decision making, use of analytical process of compare/contrast, drawing of logical conclusions, supporting of conclusions with evidence and reason, insight into topic
Knowledge of standard English wording, phrasing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar, use of topical, chronological, and/or spatial organizational strategies, effective fulfillment of a specific goal, appropriate visual appearance of presentation
Use of current and credible sources of information, create and produce a document or project, dissemination of that document or project as appropriate
Content Application
Analysis of benefit/cost of engineering project and recommendation
The attached file is an example of this project.

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