Individual Assignment Task:
Create a self‐reflections document in which you reflect on your learning of Business Communication
concepts and skills in relation to the four MMH299 assessment tasks already completed during Tri 3.
1. Portfolio A: Speech Analysis (250 words in total)
a. Learning: What concepts and/or skills did you actually learn from doing this assignment?
b. Future learning: What you can do next to further develop these concepts and/or skills?
2. Portfolio B: Article Analysis (250 words in total)
a. Learning: What concepts and/or skills did you actually learn from doing this assignment
b. Future learning: What you can do next to further develop these concepts and/or skills?
3. Portfolio C: Business Documents (250 words in total)
a. Learning: What concepts and/or skills did you actually learn from doing this assignment
b. Future learning: What you can do next to further develop these concepts and/or skills?
4. Team Oral Presentation (250 words in total)
a. Learning: What concepts and/or skills did you actually learn from doing this assignment
b. Future learning: What you can do next to further develop these concepts and/or skills?

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