Week 6

Write a 2-page short essay discussing the challenges that   Tough Mudder and Method have been developing their brands and operationalizing their business. Who is their target markets? What are their unique selling propositions?  Explain Method’s and Tough Mudder’s business model (how do they make revenues). What are the human factors which can trip firms up as they pursue growth? Why is a culture so important for a small firm? Discuss how these firms attract and keep their employees.   What recommendations would you make to help them brand and continue their grow

Week 7

Assignment 6 Write one page and answer the questions below.

1. What is the function of the FDD? Outline the protection the FDD gives prospective franchisees.

2. Discuss the factors entrepreneurs should consider before launching an e-commerce site.  Outline the 6 factors to achieve e-commerce succes

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