Using the literary criticism method New Historicism, craft an 5-full-page essay applying that New Historicist approach to two (2) of the following works.
“A&P” Updike, p. 383
Cite only from the works themselves. You are not to use any outside material. Only incorporate and cite material from the works of literature you are writing about. Your knowledge and understanding of the literary criticism you will be utilizing is what will drive your essay. Make sure to use citations from two following works.
Review James Joyce’s “Counterparts” and the sample student essay that you read last week before crafting your essay. The student used postcolonial perspective. The essay you’ll need to write will be the one with New historicism perspective. (These two readings are also attached on the reading file)
Come to some conclusions regarding these works as viewed through the lens of your literary criticism. Do not just report what a “reader-response” approach would look like, tell your reader what it ultimately means. These works look considerably different depending on who is viewing them.
Include an original and engaging title
Write this essay in the third person POV
Create a thesis statement that reveals your attitude towards the topic
Cite using MLA style
Include an MLA works cited page