In October 1997, a pilot individual learning accounts scheme was set up jointly funded by the company and the local TEC. In return for an investment of £25, employees are entitled to up to £300 of training at Bournemouth and Poole College and an hour’s career advice with Dorset Careers. On successful completion of the chosen course, the employee receives a £50 bonus. Within 6 months, 40 employees out of a total labour force of 1500 had enrolled on the programme, taking up course ranging from computer skills to management courses. The Training Manager, Tony Miller, saw the advantage to the employees of being given the back-up they need to take control over their own learning and the help to overcome fears about returning to education. It also enhanced the range of skills within the organisation. One employee had used the account to successfully develop her career from being a customer adviser to a training officer. This example has been featured in a DfEE video on lifelong learning launched in 1998.
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